Email Addresses

Email Addresses:

Your email address is a great way to advertise your business without doing anything more than just sending an email. For example, see if you can figure out what business I am emailing from by these two address: or Of course it is the latter.  It contains part of my business name but it also contains my actual service. The hotmail address does nothing to aid in driving more searches to your website.

When you receive an email from a person with a specific suffix you can actually look up the website just from their email account.

As with domains, you will probably want to obtain a few different versions of email addresses for your business as well.  One should be your main contact address that you use to communicate with your business clients and associates. Another would be used for your Contact Page on your website, such as or  

You can point these to your main address so you only have to access one account, but the reason for doing this is simple: If the secondary addresses get hijacked you can easily delete those and create a new one without affecting your main email address. Websites are not Spam proof or hack proof. There is always someone trying to find ways to get into websites and cause problems. But this will help guard against that.  

I also suggest a Spam filter for your email address, such as Spam Experts. Your Internet Provider may also have Spam ware they use for email addresses. This will serve as a net to grab any email that looks suspect.  You will be sent a notice that some emails were snagged and you have the opportunity to review them and deliver them without harm to your computer.  

BCS sets up email addresses for all of their clients upon request.

We will also provide instructions on how to access your emails through your webmail and how to set up your Outlook with your email addresses.

Contact Us for a Free Consultation

For more information about Email Addresses, please Contact Us via our Online forms section, email or by phone.

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Patty Bernier is a member of BNI and has served in all aspects of their leadership team. We meet in Pewaukee on Tuesday mornings. Click on the icon for more information about BNI.

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