Social Media is a Must

To Build a Business Facebook Page or Not

Small business owners are not always ready to jump on the Social Media Train. It does take extra work and extra time. Much of which they have neither. But with that said, Social Media is not just a trend, it is a necessity for any business, large or small. The search engines, especially Google, will not place you well if you are not adding social media to your marketing repertoire.

Listed below are some of the main Social Media avenues you will want to engage in:


Facebook is another resource for marketing a small business. Facebook isn't just a personal social media site. It's a great resource to gain more exposure for your business.


LinkedIn is one of the strongest forms of Social Media any business should use. The LinkedIn search engine is so powerful and if you are in the business industry you will need to get an account.


Twitter is a powerful social media source. Where else can you tell someone about your product in the blink of an eye?


Pinterest is a growing social media source. It is becoming more popular with the younger generation.

Contact Us for a Free Consultation

For more information about our Social Media Services, please Contact Us via our Online forms section, email or by phone.

BCWD will help to Bring Your Business to Life!

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Patty Bernier is a member of BNI and has served in all aspects of their leadership team. We meet in Pewaukee on Tuesday mornings. Click on the icon for more information about BNI.

BNI link to the Waukesha Networking Professionals Waukesha Networking Professionals Facebook page